So often we forget that seeding is where sod comes from! We are an impatient society continually wanting instant gratification. Sod is instant. Brown soil one minute, and in a flash of an eye you have green grass! The reality is that the difference of whether you spend $3,800 or $1,000 (based on 10,000 square feet) is about 4 months. Now, that’s a pretty good return on your money ($2,800 on a $1,000 investment in 4 months!)
Spend that $2,800 on 7 – 2″ caliper shade trees planted or 70 – #5 shrubs planted or 1/2 of an automatic lawn sprinkler or 1/2 of a hot tub or … well you get it.
Barefoot Farms offers two methods of seeding. Each method works well, however, each has very definite advantages depending on factors unique to your particular project.